Support & Advice

we are always here to talk


If you are feeling suicidal or in crisis

Please use the services below to seek help and advise
Miranda House Hull
Crisis Team Hull
ring 0800 138 0990
Best Choice
ask for ambulance & police
Emergency Services
RING 999
Support Line
Samaritans Support
ring 116123

Support and Advice

If you feel yourself or an individual is in crisis or needs help with their mental health or suicidal thoughts, we provide the following advice and numbers:

If suicidal or in crisis the first port of call is to ring 999 and ask for ambulance and police. These services can keep you safe and ensure you get seen by the right services such as the crisis team.

The number for the Crisis Team at Miranda House Hull is – 01482 216624

There is also the Adult Mental Health Advice and Support Line which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 138 0990

For those feeling suicidal or struggling with their mental health Samaritans provide you with someone to talk to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Just call 116123 or text SHOUT to 85258

Another service in Hull is Space 2B heard – 01482 705023 or visit their website

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

If you have a child struggling with their mental health or struggling with grief then the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) can provide support.

The crisis team covers Hull and East Riding and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service is available for any child, under 18, who are in crisis and experiencing emotional distress so struggling to cope. The service. can be accessed through the following numbers and website:

Between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays contact Contact Point on Hull Contact Point – 01482 303688 / East Riding Contact Point – 01482 303810

Outside of the above hours CAMHS can be contacted directly on 01482 301701 and selecting option 2

The website for Humber CAMHS is

Telephone referrals from parents/families and young people aged 16-18 years are accepted. There is also an online referral form for professionals. If a young person is not currently registered with a GP you can telephone either Contact Point who will be able to advise you.

Support for those bereaved due to suicide

In Hull and East Riding there are local support groups designed to support those that have lost a loved one to suicide. As two of our trustees have found through their own grief through loss to suicide is that at the beginning the most helpful thing to do is talk to like minded people and that’s why Mysterious Minds’ messages are always open and Chelsey and Dawn are always there to talk to those grieving a loved one.

There is also Compassionate Friends – an online support group who also send out a lot of literature to the bereaved.

There are also Facebook groups alongside our own Mysterious Minds Facebook page such as:

Suicide Bereavement Support UK

Suicide Grief Support for Parents

Suicide Prevention and Support